Saturday, December 12, 2020

Sauteed Celery - Sadano Fritte


 This a typical Tuscan Italian vegetable side dish for a holiday dinnner, or a vegetable treat for anyday of the week.

Celery  Sauteed in Olive Oil - Sadano fritte


5 or 6 celery stalks (organic if possible)

water for parboiling the celery

kosher salt for parboiling


1 Tbsp. sparkling water

1 cup of flour

salt and white pepper to taste

1 large egg

extra virgin olive oil (enough to cover the bottom of a large sauté pan or skillet to a depth of about  ¼ inch).


Cut off the bottom of the celery and cut off the tips of the celery by about ¼ of an inch, if the tips are dried out. Thoroughly rinse off the celery to remove any dirt   Remove any tough strings from the stalks by placing your knife under the strings and pulling them lengthwise down the celery stalk. Or remove the strings with a vegetable peeler by shaving a thin layer off.  Cut the stalks into pieces about 1 ½ inches long.

Bring enough water to cover the celery in a pan deep enough to hold all of the celery at once.  When the water comes to a boil, add the kosher salt, then  add the celery pieces. Cover and let the water come back to a boil. Boil the celery for 1 to 2 minutes. Remove from the water and let the celery cool. While the celery is cooling, mix the flour with the salt and white pepper in a bowl large enough to hold the celery pieces. In a separate bowl of similar size beat the egg with the sparkling water.

When the celery is cool enough to handle place them into the seasoned flour mixture and coat on all sides, then dip into the beaten egg mixture.

Gently place the coated celery into a sauté pan with olive oil that has been heated to the point that it sizzles when a piece of celery is dropped into it. Turn the celery over with tongs or a fork when the bottom side turns a nice golden brown.  Remove from the oil when both sides are a beautiful golden brown. Place on a plate lined with paper toweling to remove excess oil, then place in an oven proof serving dish and place in a warm oven until ready to serve.  Serve as quickly as possible or keep warm in the oven.


Serves 4

Let me know if you make this Italian vegetable side dish. Would love to hear your comments. Boun Appetito!

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