Monday, November 13, 2017

ROASTED BRUSSELS SPROUTS - Cavolini di Bruxelles Arrosto

Brussels  Sprouts Roasted in Olive Oil
Cavolini di bruxelles arrosto


Brussels sprouts  roasted in this manner get a rich flavor from the olive oil and the caramelizing process.  I love Brussels sprouts and this is one of my favorite ways to prepare them. My whole        family enjoys Brussels sprouts roasted like this, even those who are not particularly fond of Brusssels sprouts.

20 to 25 Brussels  sprouts
1 Tbsp.  water
2 Tbsp.  extra virgin olive oil
kosher salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

Take off the outer leaves of the Brussels sprouts if they are damaged. Cut off the stem ends if they look old, rinse in cold water, then cut each sprout in half. Put the water and olive oil in an oven-proof sauté pan or skillet with a lid. Place the sprouts cut side down in the pan, season them with salt and pepper, then cover with a lid. Heat the sprouts over medium high heat. When the water starts to bubble, turn down the heat to a bare simmer. Watch carefully to make sure that the sprouts do not start to burn. Add a little additional water if necessary. Cook for 5 minutes. Remove the lid and place in a preheated 350 degree Fahrenheit oven.  Roast for 20 to 25 minutes. They are done when the outer leaves are caramelized and the centers of the sprouts are tender when pierced with a fork or the tip of a knife.

This makes a perfect side dish Christmas or any holiday dinner.

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